Freeus Wholesale mPERS Dealer Program

Freeus offers an end-to-end mobile PERS solution for our dealers.

Our focus is mPERS made easy!

We enable dealers to offer independence and peace of mind to their customers with revolutionary mobile medical alerts  powered by our award-winning IoT platform.

  1. Increase your product sales by offering more options for customers.
  2. Grow your subscriber base when your customers refer you to others who need mPERS.
  3. Freeus mobile medical alert products can help your incremental RMR and margins grow, and Freeus mobile PERS can help you breakeven more quickly than other PERS products.
  4. Adding mPERS to your product line offers more security choices to your customers, and mPERS improves your perceived value among your subscribers.
  5. Easily add mPERS to your current offerings to become a single source for your customers’ safety needs.

Freeus products offer fast ROI for dealers, with different pricing options to fit your business. Contact us to learn more.

  • Low hardware costs
  • All-inclusive service pricing, with service fees charged only after devices are activated. Includes:
    • SIM cards
    • Cellular service
    • Activation fees
    • Free training and support for your team
    • 24/7 monitoring by AvantGuard Monitoring Centers, a UL-Listed, TMA Five Diamond Certified central station
    • Complimentary customized marketing materials
    • PERS University™ webinars and expert guidance
  • Simple, efficient and effective emergency alert pendants are certified on AT&T and Verizon 4G LTE and work at home and away
  • Connect users via two-way voice to AvantGuard Monitoring Centers around the clock
  • Feature powerful speakers and microphones, long-lasting rechargeable batteries and location services
  • Require no landline or base station
  • Easy for dealers to set up and manage
  • Simple for your customers to use and require low levels of customer support

Many Freeus dealers choose to install Freeus mobile medical alert devices with their customers instead of landline systems or cellular base station products in order to maximize their customers’ freedom and mobility.

Dealers have found that Belle is easy to deploy, user-friendly and reliable, and results in more customer referrals than other PERS products. Dealers have also shared that Belle customers have a lower churn rate than landline customers and require less customer support.

  • The proprietary cloud-based, hyper-redundant IoT platform developed by Freeus fuels device functionality. 
  • Sends and receives device commands and seamlessly integrates Freeus products with cellular networks and monitoring centers.
  • Presents location data and customer-provided information to specialists during emergency calls, and it enables specialists to know if users are at home for faster dispatch.
  • The dealer portal offers a single place where dealers can quickly and easily manage all customer devices, view support information and download marketing materials.

Reliability is paramount for Freeus, our dealers and their customers, so Freeus uses a hyper-redundant system that features multiple routes for mPERS calls to take to get to the monitoring center.

This system ensures that our dealers and their customers can trust our products to always work at optimal levels.

  • When the button on a Freeus mPERS device is pressed, there are four different access points that call can use to get from cellular networks into the Freeus platform for identification and location details.
  • The Freeus platform is completely redundant, with multiple data centers in different areas of the US. Freeus platform applications can seamlessly switch from one site to another as needed, with all data available in both locations.
  • The Freeus platform then routes the call to AvantGuard, which has two fully redundant monitoring centers available around the clock. AvantGuard uses an exclusive toll-free reroute system to automatically direct phone traffic to the other monitoring center if needed.

Learn about offering Freeus mPERS to your customers!